Hai. Firstly, selamat datang ke blog yang tak seberapa ni haha. Jangan lupa follow ea? :D

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sambutan Maulidur Rasul. :)

Assalamualaikum and hai. :)

Aku ingat nak post pasal hari Khamis bersamaan 12 Rabiulawal tapi rasanya tak perlu kot. Rasanya semua dah tau kan? Okay, sekarang aku cerita pasal sambutan kat sekolah aku.

Pagi tu aku kena jadi leader untuk baca Yaasiin. Mula-mula nervous and alhamdulillah, everything fine. Dah tu, Pali ajak budak yang baca Yaasiin kat depan tadi follow budak yang leader selawat naik pentas ramai-ramai. Yang lain pun terus join padahal tak pernah berlatih pun dengan diorang tapi takpe, nak buat benda baik kan? :)

Lepas ceramah pasal Maulidur Rasul, students semua dapat makanan dengan air free. Masa nak pergi ambik tu, Cikgu Masri bagi tau yang Hakim balik minggu ni. Dah tu dia ajak buat kelas hari Ahad. Eshh, tak dapat la derr. Weekend is my day man! Haha. Lepas tu cikgu bagi tau tadi Mimi dengan Fara datang ambik sijil berhenti sekolah. @_@ What?! Kenapa la diorang tak cakap? Kalau tak aku lepak je kat depan pejabat tunggu korang, lepas ni tak tau lagi bila nak jumpa. T^T

And then, Majlis Perpisahan ex-principal, Pn Hjh Norlida dan Meraikan Tn Zakaria, our new principal. Bila pengetua berucap, rasa sedih pulak. Masa tu la rasa rindu masa belajar sama-sama dulu. Ouhh, I miss old days. Dalam ucapan pengetua, aku teringat cikgu ada cakap,

"Kalau saya masih bertugas di sini, saya mungkin akan usahakan untuk buatkan asrama di sekolah ni." 

Lebih kurang macam ni lah ayat cikgu. Kalau betul la ada asrama, takde budak nak apply sekolah lain. Cheewaahh! Haha.

p/s; Esok kalau rajin, aku buat lagi post. Kalau rajin la, homework aku pun menimbun lagi ni. Haha
Suke? Meh Like sini :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Memory. :)

Assalamualaikum and hi stalkers. :)

Aku sign in blog, terus nampak blog kawan aku kat blog list. *Ahh, finally* Memang dah lama aku tunggu dia update blog sebab nak baca. Hehe. Tapi entry dia kali ni pasal,  urmm memory. :)  Klik sini

Dah baca? Hehe. Memang bila diingatkan balik, honestly aku rindu masa tu. Masa ada budak perempuan paling bising, ada yang main bola sepak pakai kertas kat belakang kelas, buat video propaganza, ada budak gengster dalam kelas. Oh my, aku rindu sangat.

Tapi takpe. I'll move on sebab kalau asyik teringat kenangan tak guna jugak sebab waktu kita muda ni la kita nak buat perangai, kita nak gila-gila, kita spend time together sebab nanti dah tua takde apa pulak nak dikenang. Haha.

Suke? Meh Like sini :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Lelaki Pemalu?

Assalamualaikum and hi. :D

Okay, hari ni aku blogwalking kat blog kawan-kawan aku. Ada satu post ni menarik dan aku tertarik untuk baca lagi. Cewaah! Haha. Klik sini .

Lepas aku baca post tu, baru aku perasan yang aku ni dalam golongan lelaki pemalu. Okay, attention ladies! This boy is 'pemalu'! Haha. Ini tiada unsur promote, tapi apa yang aku nak katakan kat sini, ada sikit-sikit yang berkaitan dengan aku tapi bukan semua. Diulangi, bukan semua. Haha. Yang ada pun ayat mula dengan ayat akhir je. Ayat akhir tu yang tak boleh tahan, haha.

"Lelaki pemalu adalah lelaki yang kurang bercakap sebab lelaki yang banyak bercakap biasanya dapat mengawal rasa malu mereka apabila berdepan seorang gadis buat kali pertama"

"Lelaki yang pemalu adalah lelaki yang baik hati,
pada hari ini lelaki sebegini dah semakin kurang. Malu adalah sifat orang beriman."

Percaya atau tidak, terimalah. Aku seorang lelaki berumur 16 tahun yang pemalu. Haha

Suke? Meh Like sini :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

They know nothing.

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone,

I want to share something interesting to you. Actually, I found this on Facebook and when I read it, it gave a deep meaning. 

"Football is a life-style. [A little long, but worth reading, especially those who play amateur football]
(Credits : Football Trolls & Memes)

...Dirt and rocks... The training is over... Got your bag in your shoulders. Stop and stares the pitch... Dirt and rocks, there's where you play.
Dirt and rocks that made you bleed, that made you fall... that gave you so much happiness.
Rocks that you have inside your shoes, that made you dirt... that are your home.
What shoves you every year to start a new season...

"On Sundays I like to sleep" -say the 'fans'.
"We are never together" -says your girlfriend.
"Better a five-a-side football" -says your friends.
"Think about getting a job" -says your parents.

You think and smile...
What do they know what football means to you. 
What do they know about the emotions that wont let you sleep on Saturday night, about the matches you have played injured, about what you feel when you are the first to hug the one who scored and in a few seconds comes the whole team and every hit you get is a player who comes to celebrate.
What do they know about the times you have run to not be late for training and when going to the training ground watching the team lined and listening the coach. 
What do they know about that goal you have saved in the finish line a few years ago, but you feel it like it happened yesterday. 
What do they know about how you are in tension when the coach choose the lineups. 
What do they know about when you're injured and sitting on bench with your jersey nr.10 and tears in your eyes.
What do they know about the last 5 minutes when your team is losing 1-0. 
What do they know about when you can understand with your friends with just a glance who last 1 second. 
What do they know about what you are thinking when you are doing the stretching before the match. 
What do they know about the security you have when you make the first tackle. 
What do they know about how you feel during the first 30 minutes of first half or after the pain of a foul. 
What do they know how you feel when the player you had to mark scores. 
What do they know about the hits you received... about the dangerous interceptions that you made and about the sincere hand-shakes with the opponents. 
What do they know how you feel after the 10th lap that you have made and hold on each-other shoulders with your friend. 

Nobody stops...we finish it all together...tired, but you made it. What do they know about the hugs you give to each other before you enter in the pitch, that silent hug that means : "We will give our best". 
What do they know about your magics, about the cold showers you did.
What do they know about how much you LOVE this sport, about how much you are related to this team and how much you love them...
Dirt and rocks...a ball...10 persons with you...11 opponents. A long and dry whistle. The ball for a moment passes the midfield and immediately returns. Swapping the shirts. THIS IS OUR LIFE !
What do they know ? - They know nothing."

So, don't you ever laugh at someone's dream because person who did that has no dream. What do they know? They know nothing.

Credits; Troll Football

Suke? Meh Like sini :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's new year!

Assalamualaikum and hi everybody!


We in 2013 and I hope this year will be more awesome than last year. However, 2012 gave me a great memories to remember with the drama, choral speaking, PMR and so many more! Thank you very much. :')


p/s; Ni post pertama aku tulis dalam bahasa inggeris. Merangkak jugak la aku nak susun ayat. Haha

Suke? Meh Like sini :)